Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Have you learned any skills from your parents?

My mom is a fantastic cook. I mean she rocks. All of us girls cook well too. It amazes me as I look back that I did not take advantage of all the knowledge, skills, and abilities of my parents. Now as an adult while I have cooking down, I don't know the basics of so many other things. In turn, I am not able to pass that knowledge on you my children.

That is my new task, even though my mom and dad are far away from me, I plan to learn basic skills. I want to learn gardening, freezing/canning. I want to learn how to do more basic home repairs and to build things that I need.

Who is with me?

Monday, March 26, 2018

Just some thoughts

I generally have a strong sense of self. That doesn't mean I don't wrestle with who I think I should be. Over the course of time I have however learned that, without trying to be super spiritual, that I don't have to worry about that anymore. So here I am. I am a Follower of Christ, I am a wife, I am a mother, I am a business leader, I am a learner, and I am trying to figure out a way to be all of that and still be sane.

My latest adventure is that of self-sufficiency.  Don't get me wrong. While I admire the off grid life, I have no desire to move off grid. I just want to get back to life done simply. Read more, watch TV less. TV really does usually just make me angry. Cook from scratch, plan menus around what is one sale because money is limited no matter who you are. Recycle because this is a precious planet and they one made one we can live on. Learn skills long forgotten and just feel better about not losing tradition. Some skills I learn I may never use, some may become part of my daily life. You are welcome to watch me struggle as I find my way.

Another area of interest is in RV'ing. I watch a lot of videos and read a lot of articles about RV living. Again, I am not looking to become a nomad. The RV we own is a respite. Not another part of the tiny house nation. Living in 250 sq ft is not for me.

Lastly, I am trying to spend more time discovering for myself what God has planned. I know this is a personal journey. I will never claim to be a pastor, or teacher but I think about things often and plan to write them down here. More for myself than anything. I lead a blessed life; but in this chaotic world, the need for faith reflection is strong.

If you read something you like comment. If you read something you disagree with feel free to share. If you think you can provide insight, please do so. I think life is not meant to be done alone.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. God Bless!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A traffic circle in the road of life

If you have ever been in a traffic circle you know that sometimes getting in and merging out getting out at the right stop is difficult. Sometime you have to circle around a second time. Well, I feel like i have been circling for a while now.

Yesterday I went to the Dr yesterday for my "decision visit" for weight loss surgery. I thought I knew going into this about what to expect from the day but I can't say that I am a little bit shocked and disappointed. He gave me my prescription for the optifast, but then he asked me which procedure I "decided" to have. Here is where the disappointment came in. I told him I would like to have the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG). He told me my insurance is on the fence about that procedure and I need to start thinking about a backup plan. I was shocked. I have the policy in hand. I thought why would they not allow that. They say they will. So, the next obvious question is well, how long does it take to get an answer from the insurance company? He told me it only takes a couple of days for the insurance company to decide BUT it would probably be the end of the week before they got it submitted. So, I again have missed the turn off on the road of life and I am circling around again. For yet another 2 weeks.

Friday, January 22, 2010

A journey that starts with one step

So, at the ripe old age of 38 I feel like my life is pretty well together. I am married, have 2 wonderful kids, a dog, 2 cats and everything else a person could want. I guess that should be the end of the story. Unfortunately that is the beginning.

I like so many others am fighting obesity. I have been overweight for at least 15 years. I have in that time gained and lost probably 700 lbs. Losing weight is easy. Gaining is even easier.

So today is like so many other days. A fresh start. My goal to day is simply to drink lots of water. I was told the other day to focus on one goal at a time. We will see how this works out.